Friday, June 27, 2008

New Update! Trash and Pollution...

Calyx Energy, apparently, likes to use our property as a dumping ground for their Coca-Cola cans...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

KTUL Covers Blog

Last night, KTUL did a follow-up report featuring this blog and the videos we have posted here.

You can find it here:

Family Takes Fight Over Oil Drilling to the Internet

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New YouTube Video

There's a deafening roar on the Hall's property. Big oil is speaking loud and clear. Who will speak for the land owners? Check out our new video:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Drilling on FATHER'S DAY?

Calyx Energy has now decided that it's perfectly fine to begin drilling the Hall's land......on a Sunday.....ON FATHER'S DAY! They continue to show absolutely no respect for the land owners, the community, or even HOLIDAYS.

Now, that's just despicable.

Update! Private Property a Dumping Ground?

Calyx Energy is out working on a 8 AM! Causing a ruckus and disturbing the neighborhood seems to be their specialty. Oh, and they've now decided to make the Hall's property a dumping ground. Now that's classy.

Watch the video below for more information:

Monday, June 2, 2008

YouTube Video UPDATE!

Watch the YouTube video to find out about our pollution concerns regarding the oil well.